Journal of the Scientific Society of the Silicate Industry

Instruction for Authors


Manuscripts are welcome to the Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials that suit to the profile of the journal, and contain useful and interesting information for the construction materials industry.

We kindly ask the authors to prepare their manuscripts covering the following parts:

  • Title, authors’ names, workplaces, e-mail addresses;
  • Abstract, keywords;
  • Main text;
  • Acknowledgements (optional);
  • References;
  • Figures, photos with notes;
  • Tables with notes;
  • Short biography (information on the scientific activity of the authors).

The full manuscript should not be more than 6 pages including figures, photos and tables. Settings of the word document are: 3 cm margin up and down, 2,5 cm margin left and right. Paper size: A4. Letter size 10 pt, type: Times New Roman. Lines: simple, justified.

The title of the manuscript should be short and objective.
Under the title the name of the author(s), workplaces, e-mail addresses are given.
If the text originally was a presentation or poster at a conference, it should be indicated.

The abstract is a short summary of the manuscript, in about a half page length. The author should provide keywords to the manuscript.

Contains literature review and research significance, aims of the study, materials and experimental methods, new results and discussion, conclusions.

References are indicated with numbers, e.g. [6], and a bibliography is made by the reference’s order.

  • Journals: Mohamed, K. R., El-Rashidy, Z. M., Salama, A. A. (2011) In vitro properties of nano-hydroxyapatite/chitosan biocomposites. Ceramics International. Vol. 37, No.8, December 2011, pp. 3265–3271,
  • Books: Chawla, K. K. (2012) Composite Materials. Springer Science + Business Media LLC, New York, 542 p.

All drawings, diagrams and photos are figures. The text should contain references to all figures and tables. This shows the place of the figure in the text. Please send all the figures in separate files, and do not include them as a part of the text. All figures and tables should have a title.
Please note that the journal is color, therefore, color figures are preferred (black-and-white is also acceptable).
The figures should be provided in TIFF, JPG or EPS formats, 300 dpi at least, photos are 600 dpi at least.

Max. 500 character size professional biography of the author(s).

The Editorial Board reviews the manuscripts and informs the authors about the suggested modifications. Since the author is responsible for the content of the article, the author is not liable to accept modifications.

Please send the manuscript to the following e-mail address:

Authors are suggested to give their e-mail and postal address together with their telephone numbers for the possible prompt contact with the Editorial Board.

Submit your paper

Authors are asked to submit their written contributions to Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials electronically to the following e-mail address:

The Peer Review protocol at Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials is the following. The Editor-in-Chief reviews first the submitted manuscripts and filter out poor quality submissions to exclude substandard research from the process. Remaining submissions are sent to two referees (leading experts in the field) for detailed, single-blind review. Referees are members of the Editorial Board or delegated for review by the Editor-in-Chief. Referees are allowed to approve, reject or send back the manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief with recommendations for improvements. Referees make their reviews independently, they are not aware of each other’s identity and do not consult with each other. The Editor-in-Chief passes the reviewed manuscripts, along with the comments, back to the authors for correction. Resubmitted corrected manuscripts are needed to be accepted by the same two referees before publication. Manuscripts are not returned to authors for the second time; if the review is not successful then the manuscript is rejected. Direct conversation between authors and referees is possible under the supervision of the Editor-in-Chief only if all agree. Final decision about acceptance is made by the Editor-in-Chief – after consultation with the President of the Editorial Board if the two referees disagree in their reviews. After decision, no plaint is possible. Plagiarism has zero tolerance at Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials. In case of plagiarism, authors are banned from manuscript submission for 12 months.


Authors must sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement before the paper is published. The Copyright Transfer Agreement enables SZTE to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not relinquish the author’s proprietary rights. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any figure for which copyright exists from the copyright holder.

Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials allows authors to make copies of their published papers in institutional or open access repositories (where Creative Commons Licence Attribution-NonCommercial, CC BY-NC applies) either with:

  • placing a link to the PDF file at Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials homepage or
  • placing the PDF file of the final print.


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